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Hi guys! Great game! Just passing by to see how everyone implemented the fishing line. How the hell do you get that effect in unity? Line renderers? Hinge joints? Both?

hi thanks for playing!! I actually have no clue as I’m one of the artists! 

Great game - While I found it hard to figure out how exactly to play, Once figuring that out it was a blast! Figuring out which item links with which fish was pretty fun and the little button pushing minigame was great. I also really enjoyed how the music changed when you actually hooked an occupant. 

thanks for playing!

Quiet a nice game! Loved the visual style.
It was hard to understand how to play at first but managed to figure it out eventually.
Didn't catch 8 fish because waiting for the the right fish is kind of tedious. Especially when it comes to rare ones like devil and astronaut.